How To Make A Smoothie Thicker 

 Last Update April 19, 2024

By Jenny Zhang

Smoothies have long been cherished as a quick and convenient way to pack essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals into a single glass. However, making those perfect thick and creamy smoothies at home is more challenging than you think. If you've ever found yourself sipping on a thin, watery concoction, yearning for a richer, more indulgent texture, then you've come to the right place.

In this blog post, we'll unveil the secrets to transforming your ordinary smoothies and smoothie bowls into luxurious, velvety elixirs that will satisfy your taste buds and leave you feeling nourished and energized. Here is how to make a smoothie thicker using simple ingredients readily available in your kitchen.

How To Make A Smoothie Thicker


Avocado is the perfect ingredient to thicken smoothies. Not only does this fruit contribute to a thicker consistency, but it also infuses your blend with a delightful creaminess and depth that takes your smoothie game to new heights

Avocado, with its natural richness and generous fat content, both fresh and frozen avocados, serves as an exceptional tool to achieve the perfect smoothie consistency you desire. But it doesn't stop there. This versatile fruit is a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats, making it an ideal addition to turning your thick smoothie into a satisfying meal replacement.

Fresh Banana/ Frozen Banana

If you're searching for a natural and delicious way to achieve a thicker and sweeter smoothie, look no further than the mighty banana. Bananas offer a perfect combination of sweetness and creaminess that effortlessly enhances the texture and flavor of your smoothies.

Fresh and frozen bananas are another great ingredient to thicken smoothies. However, frozen bananas take the crown, offering an extra creaminess boost that makes your smoothies thicker and sweeter.

Chia seeds


Chia seeds are tiny powerhouses of nutrition and possess a unique ability to transform your ordinary smoothie into a thick and luxurious treat. Don't underestimate the power of these small seeds. Despite their size, they are rich in soluble fiber and have the remarkable ability to absorb liquid, forming a gel-like consistency when mixed with a liquid. When added to your favorite blend, chia seeds work their magic by absorbing some of the liquid in the smoothie, effectively thickening the mixture. This process takes a little time, so it's best to let the smoothie sit for a few minutes after adding the chia seeds.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds, nature's nutritional gems, offer not only a myriad of health benefits but also the ability to add a delightful thickness to your smoothies. These small, brown, or golden seeds are rich in dietary fiber and contain mucilage, a gel-forming substance that contributes to their thickening properties. Let the smoothie sit for a few minutes after incorporating flax seeds, they will absorb the liquid, and the flax seeds will expand and contribute to a denser, more satisfying texture.

Incorporate approximately 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds into your smoothie, making adjustments according to your desired thickness and personal taste.

Silken Tofu

Silken tofu is a great way to thicken your smoothie and add protein. Because tofu is a complete protein, you'll get all your essential amino acids without adding protein powder. This makes the tofu a great addition to your pre and post-workout smoothie.

Start by adding about 1/4 to 1/2 cups of silken tofu to your smoothie recipe and adjust the quantity based on your desired level of thickness and creaminess.

Adding Cooked Vegetable

Adding cooked vegetables like sweet potato, carrots, or pumpkin to the blender is a great way to create a thick smoothie while adding great nutrition. Not mentioning the beautiful color it adds to your smoothie. Recommend you either steam or boil the vegetable until it softens. 

Place the cooked vegetables in a blender, along with your preferred liquid base, such as almond milk, coconut water, or yogurt. Blend the cooked vegetables and liquid until they form a smooth puree. The cooked vegetables will naturally break down and incorporate into the mixture, adding thickness and body to the smoothie.

Nut Butter

pb smoothie

Adding nut butter to a smoothie can be a delectable and effective way to achieve a thicker and creamier texture. Nut butters, such as almond butter, peanut butter, or cashew butter, contain natural oils and fats that help to thicken and enhance the consistency of your smoothie.

Add about 1 to 2 tablespoons of nut butter to your smoothie recipe and gradually increase to suit your taste preferences and desired thickness.


oat smoothie

Adding oats to a smoothie is an excellent way to increase thickness and create a more substantial texture. Oats are a great source of fiber and contain a natural starch that absorbs liquid, helping to thicken the smoothie.

Opt for rolled oats or quick oats, as they are easier to blend compared to steel-cut oats. The finer texture of rolled oats or quick oats allows them to incorporate more seamlessly into the smoothie.

Start by adding about ¼ to ½ cups of oats to your smoothie. Adjust based on your personal preference.


puree smoothie

concentrated flavors. Purees are typically made by blending fruits or vegetables into a smooth, thick consistency, making them ideal for thickening smoothies.

Select a fruit or vegetable that you find enjoyable and wish to include in your smoothie creation. Some popular puree choices include banana, mango, pumpkin, sweet potato, or berry purees. You can either make the puree at home by blending the fruit or vegetable until smooth or use store-bought purees.

For the perfect balance of flavor and thickness, consider adding approximately ¼ to ½ cup of puree to your smoothie. Feel free to adjust the quantity according to your personal preference and desired consistency.


Adding yogurt to a smoothie is an excellent way to achieve a thicker and creamier texture. Yogurt's natural thickness and creamy consistency help enhance the overall body of the smoothie.

Indulge in the lusciousness of Greek yogurt or strained yogurt, both of which boast a thick and creamy texture. These varieties have a higher protein content and a denser consistency, making them ideal for thickening smoothies.

Add approximately ½ to 1 cup of yogurt to your smoothie, depending on your preference for thickness and the overall volume of the smoothie.

Ice Cube

If you wonder how to make a smoothie thicker without adding additional calories, you must consider using ice cubes. Ice cube is a great way to thicken your smoothie without adding any additional calories.

Ice cubes can help make thick smoothies without sacrificing texture. But Adding ice cubes to your smoothie will make it frosty and sooner or later, your smoothie will melt and result in a watery smoothie. If you are looking to make a thick smoothie bowl, you will want to enjoy it immediately.

Coconut Milk/ Meat 

coconut smoothie

Adding both coconut milk and coconut meat to a smoothie can contribute to a luscious, creamy texture and enhance its thickness. Coconut milk and meat are rich in natural fats and fibers, which help create a velvety consistency.

Add approximately ¼ to ½ cup of coconut milk to your smoothie and adjust the quantity based on your taste preference. Include a few tablespoons of fresh or frozen coconut meat in your smoothie to further enhance the thickness and creaminess.

Frozen Fruits and Vegetables

Elevate your smoothie's texture and consistency by incorporating frozen fruits and vegetables. It will add a super-thick and creamy consistency and works better than fresh fruit and vegetables. Adding frozen fruit and vegetable adds thickness and a burst of flavors, vibrant colors, and nutritional benefits to your smoothie.

Add a generous amount of frozen fruit and vegetable blend to your smoothie, typically around 1 to 2 cups, depending on the size of your smoothie and personal preference for thickness. Blend these frozen ingredients along with other smoothie ingredients such as liquid (dairy milk, yogurt, almond milk, or juice) and any additional flavorings or add-ins.

Cottage Cheese

Adding cottage cheese to a smoothie is a wonderful way to achieve a creamy and thick texture while increasing the protein content. With its inherent thick consistency, cottage cheese seamlessly blends with other ingredients, making it an excellent addition to your smoothie.

Opt for a smooth and creamy cottage cheese variety. You can select low-fat or full-fat cottage cheese based on your dietary preferences. Start by adding approximately ¼ to ½ cup of cottage cheese to your smoothie and adjust the quantity based on your preference.

Gluten-Free Flour

Adding gluten-free flour to a smoothie can be used as a thickening agent, but it's important to note that it might alter the taste and texture of the smoothie.

Explore the wide array of gluten-free flour options, including almond flour, coconut flour, rice flour, or oat flour, and choose the one that aligns with your taste preferences and dietary requirements.

Start by adding a small amount of gluten-free flour to your smoothie, typically around 1 to 2 tablespoons. It's important not to add too much flour as it may make the smoothie gritty or affect its taste.


Adding beans to a smoothie might seem unconventional, but it can indeed contribute to thickening the texture while adding fiber and protein to your blend.

Opt for cooked and cooled or canned beans such as black beans, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), or white beans. These beans have a mild flavor and a creamy texture when blended.

Start by adding approximately ¼ to ½ cups of cooked beans to your smoothie and adjust based on your desired consistency.

Cooked Quinoa

Adding quinoa to a smoothie can contribute to a thicker texture while adding a boost of protein, fiber, and essential nutrients. Quinoa is a versatile grain-like seed that, when cooked and blended, can help create a creamy and thick consistency.

Begin by cooking the quinoa following the instructions on the package. Once cooked, let it cool to room temperature or refrigerate it until it reaches a chilled state. This step is crucial to ensure the quinoa blends smoothly into the smoothie.

Add approximately ¼ to ½ cup of cooked quinoa to your smoothie and adjust based on personal preference.

Psyllium Husk

Adding psyllium husk to a smoothie can indeed contribute to thickening its texture, thanks to the high soluble fiber content of psyllium husk. Psyllium husk absorbs liquid and forms a gel-like consistency, which helps create a thicker and more substantial smoothie.

Start by adding approximately 1 to 2 teaspoons of psyllium husk to your smoothie and adjust based on your thickness preference. It's important to note that psyllium husk absorbs liquid quickly, so consuming the smoothie promptly after blending is advisable. If left to sit for an extended period, the psyllium husk may continue absorbing liquid, resulting in a thicker smoothie.

Use A Creamy Liquid Base

Adding a creamy liquid base like oat milk, nut milk, or kefir to a smoothie effectively thickens its texture and creates a smooth, indulgent consistency. The creamy liquid base helps create thick and creamy smoothies and adds richness, flavor, and additional nutrients to your blend. For example, dairy or plant-based milk provides calcium and vitamins, yogurt offers probiotics and protein, and coconut milk adds a tropical note and healthy fats.

Protein Powder

Incorporating protein powder into your smoothie not only enhances its thickness but also boosts the protein content, adding an extra nutritional punch to your blend. Protein powders are designed to dissolve and blend easily, which helps thicken the smoothie and create a creamy texture.

Adding protein powder not only thickens the smoothie but also provides a concentrated source of protein, which can aid in muscle recovery and maintenance. This can be particularly advantageous for individuals aiming to elevate their protein intake or enhance their athletic performance.

Jenny passionately advocates a holistic and natural approach to health and well-being. She has a Bachelor of Science degree and years of working in food sciences, specializing in organic & natural products. She is committed to helping others embrace a balanced, natural lifestyle that fosters well-being. Jenny believes that a harmonious balance between nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness is the key to unlocking the full potential of one’s well-being.