How To Ripen Avocados At Home 

 Last Update April 19, 2024

By Jenny Zhang

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You're yearning for the delight of eating avocados in creamy, dreamy guacamole, avocado crab dip, or enjoying a perfectly ripe avocado toast, but you find yourself with rock-hard avocados. We all have been there. Avocado ripening can be a bit unpredictable, and sometimes, you simply can't wait for days on end for them to soften to perfection.

In this post, we will guide you with simple and effective methods on how to ripen avocados faster into velvety green treasures in no time.

How To Ripen Avocados Quickly

The Brown Paper Bag Method

Green avocados inside a paper bag

To ripen an avocado in a brown paper bag with bananas or other fruits is a straightforward and effective method that takes advantage of the ethylene gas produced by the fruit itself. This gas accelerates the ripening process. Ripe bananas contain a natural plant hormone called ethylene gas, which helps trigger fruit to ripen and speed up the avocado ripening process. By enclosing the gas with underripe avocado, you can facilitate the ripening of the avocados, and the higher the concentration of ethylene is, the faster your fruit will ripen in the brown paper bag.

Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Place Underripe Avocado in the Bag: Put the unripe avocados inside a clean, brown paper bag. If you have several avocados to ripen, you can place several in the same bag.
  2. Add an Ethylene-Producing Fruit (Optional): To help avocados ripen faster, consider adding an ethylene-producing fruit, such as a ripe banana or apple, to the paper bag with the avocados. These fruits emit ethylene gas, which can potentially hasten the ripening of the avocados. It's worth noting that this step is optional and not essential for a successful ripening process.
  3. Seal the Bag: Fold the upper part of the brown paper bag to seal it closed. Creating a closed environment to trap the ethylene gas is essential, which will enhance the ripening process.
  4. Room-Temperature Storage: Store the avocados in a sealed paper bag at room temperature. Place the bag on your kitchen countertop or inside a cupboard. Refrigeration should be avoided, as low temperatures can impede the ripening process.
  5. Check Regularly: Check on the avocados daily to monitor their ripening progress. Depending on the initial firmness of the avocados, they should ripen within 1-3 days.
  6. Test for Ripeness: Gently squeeze one of the avocados to check for softness. It is ripe and ready to eat when it yields slightly to gentle pressure. Be cautious and avoid squeezing too hard, as you don't want to cause any bruising to the fruit.

This method typically takes 1 to 3 days to ripen avocados, depending on their firmness and the presence of ethylene-producing fruits like bananas or apples. It's a reliable and straightforward way to ensure you have perfectly ripe avocados when needed without the uncertainty of waiting for them to ripen naturally on the countertop.

The Microwave Method

Plate with three whole green avocados inside a microwave

If you need an avocado quickly, ripening avocados in the microwave is a quick and convenient method when you're in a rush and need a ripe avocado immediately. However, using this method cautiously is essential, as microwaving avocados can slightly alter their texture and flavor.

Step-By-Step Instructions:

  1. Prepare the Avocado: Begin by cutting the unripe avocado in half. Use a knife to slice it lengthwise around the pit with care. Gently twist the two halves apart and remove the pit.
  2. Place on a Microwave-Safe Plate: Lay the avocado halves on a microwave-safe plate with the cut side facing up. If you're microwaving multiple avocado halves, ensure they are evenly spaced on the plate.
  3. Cover (Optional): While unnecessary, you can cover the avocado halves with plastic wrap to help retain moisture during microwaving. This step can prevent the avocado from drying out.
  4. Microwave in Short Intervals: Microwave the avocado halves on low power (around 20-30% power) for short intervals, typically 10 seconds at a time. Using low power and short intervals helps prevent overheating and potential damage to the fruit.
  5. Check for Softness: After each microwave interval, carefully touch the avocado to check for softness. The objective is to slightly soften the flesh for your current requirements. Remember that microwaved avocados' texture may change slightly, becoming softer and warmer.
  6. Repeat as Needed: If the avocado isn't soft enough after the initial microwaving, continue microwaving in 10-second intervals, checking its softness after each interval. Exercise caution to avoid overcooking, as avocados that are microwaved for too long can become mushy.
  7. Use Immediately: Once the avocado ripened at optimal ripeness, remove it from the microwave. Use it immediately in your desired recipe. This method is best suited for recipes where the avocado's texture isn't critical, such as mashing for guacamole or spreading on toast. If you accidentally overcook parts of the avocado, you may need to discard those sections, as they can become unpleasantly mushy.

The Oven Method

Ripping an avocado in the oven is a gentle and effective method that can help you speed up the process without altering the avocado's texture as dramatically as the microwave method might.

Step-By-Step Instructions:

  1. Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to a very low temperature, typically around 200°F (93°C). This low temperature is crucial to ensure the avocado softens gradually without cooking or altering its flavor.
  2. Wrap the Avocado in Aluminum Foil: Prepare the avocados while the oven is preheating. Slice the unripe avocado in half and remove the pit. Then, wrap each avocado half separately in aluminum foil. Ensure they are tightly sealed to prevent moisture or heat from escaping.
  3. Place in the Oven: Once the oven reaches the desired temperature, place the foil-wrapped avocado halves on the oven rack or a baking sheet. Ensure they are evenly spaced and do not touch each other or the oven walls.
  4. Bake for 10-15 Minutes: Allow the avocados to bake at this low temperature for 10-15 minutes. The gentle warmth will encourage the avocados to soften without cooking them.
  5. Check for Ripeness: After the specified time, carefully remove one foil-wrapped avocado half from the oven using oven mitts or a kitchen towel. Unwrap it and assess its softness by gently pressing it with your fingertips. It should feel noticeably softer but not mushy.
  6. Adjust as Needed: If the avocados are not sufficiently ripe, you can return them to the oven for an additional 5-10 minutes and repeat the softness test until they reach your desired level of ripeness.
  7. Cool and Enjoy: Once the ripe avocado is adequately ripened, remove them from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes before using them in your recipes. The gentle oven heat should have softened the flesh without significantly altering its taste or texture.

The Rice Method

Placing an avocado into a large bowl

Ripen avocados quickly using rice is a lesser-known but effective way to accelerate the ripening. This technique creates a controlled environment that traps ethylene gas, a natural ripening agent the avocado produces, allowing it to ripen more quickly.

Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Prepare the Rice: Fill a container or bowl with uncooked rice. You can utilize any variety of rice, including white or brown rice. It's important to use enough rice to completely bury the avocados.
  2. Place the Avocados in the Rice: Carefully bury the underripe avocado in the rice, ensuring it fully covers it. If you're burying multiple avocados, ensure they are not in contact with each other.
  3. Seal the Container: Cover the container or bowl with a lid or tightly sealed cover. This step is essential to create an enclosed environment that will trap the gas produced by the avocados.
  4. Room Temperature Storage: Leave the container at room temperature. Placing it on your kitchen countertop or in a cupboard is ideal. Avoid refrigeration, as cold temperatures can slow down the process.
  5. Check Regularly: Check on the avocados daily to monitor their ripening progress. Depending on the initial firmness of the avocados, they should ripen over a span of a few days to a week.
  6. Test for Ripeness: Gently squeeze one of the avocados to check for softness. It's ripe and suitable for consumption when it gives way slightly to gentle pressure. Be careful and avoid applying excessive pressure; you wouldn't want to bruise the fruit.
  7. Enjoy Your Ripe Avocados: Once the ripe avocados have achieved your desired level of ripeness, take them out of the rice and savor them in your favorite dishes.

The rice method is a unique and effective way to ripen avocados by creating an environment that concentrates ethylene gas around the fruit. It's particularly useful when you have unripe avocados and need to ripen them at your own pace. The rice remains dry and can be reused for this purpose, making it a practical and eco-friendly method.

Jenny passionately advocates a holistic and natural approach to health and well-being. She has a Bachelor of Science degree and years of working in food sciences, specializing in organic & natural products. She is committed to helping others embrace a balanced, natural lifestyle that fosters well-being. Jenny believes that a harmonious balance between nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness is the key to unlocking the full potential of one’s well-being.